Thursday, May 11, 2006

My 50 Merc - A new project

So...I was cruising through Ebay and I came across a posting for a 50 merc sedan in long island. I come to find out that it is owned by a guy I have met before. So, I concoct this idea to buy it, store it in a buddies garage and do some work to it. luck would have it, I got in WAY over my head..

I had to cajole a friend into helping me pick it up and get a car dolly...

buy wheels to replace the ones on it for towing...

raise the money, send the money and then get it home...and is in LONG that means bridges..lots of tolls and New York drivers...

Here is a pic coming down the NJ turnpike...

Here it is backed into its resting spot..

So join me as we start to dig into this beast...