Monday, October 9, 2006

Steering Wheel Restoration and Accessory Wheel

One of the reasons I even bought this car was for the accessory wheel. Much sought after it is a gorgeous design and my plans are to properly restore this wheel.

However, This is a short term replacement stock 49-50 wheel with some minor custom modifications.

Check out the pics….

wheel4.jpg This is the wheel as it sat in the car for over 56 years

wheel3.jpg This is it after I removed it, cleaned, primed, painted and clear coated.

wheel1.jpg Here is a stock 49-50 Mercury Steering wheel which will do for now.

wheel2.jpg The custom piece I made for it - clear blue plexiglass.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Engine and Transmission Installation

1970 Small Block Chevy v8 engine and TH-350 race ready transmission.

I traded another guy some carburetors for a used 350 out of a truck and bought the trans from another guy in NJ. With some used parts, got them put together and added some parts including an intake, carb, exhaust, waterpump, flywheel, torque coverter and a new oil pan. Check out the pics…


Rear Axle

I got this axle on trade from a guy in New Jersey. It is from 1965 Mercury Country Squire Wagon. Witha 3.00 to 1 axle ratio, I found quickly that I needed to get it rebuilt. A few hundreds dollars later I got this new clean axle with rebuilt axles, center gear section and new brakes.

Check out pics… axle4.jpgaxle2.jpgaxle.jpg